Data Protection

 SC-Fitness Personal Training takes privacy and confidentiality seriously. The updated General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into place in May 2018 and in order to maintain clarity for you as a client, please see below the way in which your data is used and stored. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

1.What personal information do we hold about you?

When you enquire about Personal Training with SC-Fitness, your personal data, such as your name, and email address will be collected. This information is used to identify your enquiry and allow us to get back to you. When you sign up to our training services, we will collect further data including details such as your address, date of birth, telephone number and information about your current health and lifestyle. This enables your trainer to easily locate your file and access necessary information in order to build you the best possible training programme. When you attend your first session with SC-Fitness Personal Training, your trainer Sian Cunningham will ask you a number of questions that relate to your current circumstances. This information is stored for the same reasons.

This information is held in a secure online email server and password protected client folder. This means that your data is secure and only accessible by your trainer, Sian Cunningham.

Your personal data is not shared with any other individual or organisation. However, if you require a referral to another specialist, or Sian needs to communicate with the specialist that has referred you to her, any communication is sent via secure portal email to the necessary specialist, and you will be sent a copy of that correspondence.


2.Why do we hold this information?

Your personal information and data regarding your health and fitness levels are stored by Sian Cunningham in order for her to provide the best service possible for you as a client. The information held is necessary and relative to your current training, and no information is held unnecessarily or without lawful requirement.

Sian Cunningham is a fully qualified and experienced Level 3 Personal Trainer. For continuity of care, it may be necessary to share information with any other health professionals who may be working with you for related health and wellbeing reasons. Sharing of information will only occur with your consent and you will be sent a copy of any correspondence for your own records.


3.How long will this information be held within SC-Fitness Personal Training?

SC-Fitness will not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected


4.How else will your personal information be used?

Your email address will be used to provide sharing of information between Sian Cunningham and yourself. If you contact Sian directly by telephone, your telephone number will be stored along with your name (for identification purposes) on Sian’s mobile phone. This number will be used to reply to your text messages or phone calls. If a session needs to be rescheduled at late notice, your telephone number will be used as opposed to your email address to ensure that Sian gets the message of your appointment cancellation to you in good time.

Any advice, exercise programmes or general reports will be sent to you by email from Sian Cunningham, using the email address you provided during the booking process or during your first session.

Please note that you reserve the right to remove your consent at any time. Please put this request in writing and send to If you have any concerns about the use of your personal data, please also get in touch.