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Finding Motivation To Exercise When You Feel Like Quitting

Starting my week with moving my body, no matter what that movement looks like, it’s important to me.

It sets me up for the day. Especially when I wake up in a bit of a low mood, which I do now and again.

I shared this on Instagram at the time as I want to be honest and realistic with anyone that follows me on there, and with you guys on here.

Yes I am a Personal Trainer, I work in the fitness industry, my job is to help motivate other people to exercise. People work with me so that I can help them to find enjoyment and longevity in exercise.

However, that doesn't mean I am always motivated to do it myself. Sometimes I feel in a negative headspace about it too.

Thankfully after years of experience and practice, I know how to adapt my behaviour and my improve my mindset in this situation.

I’d planned to go out for a long run on Monday morning, but I woke up feeling tired, fed up of the winter darkness and pretty unmotivated to run.

A few thoughts crossed my mind.

  • I could go out later on when the sun is out and I don’t have to worry about running in the dark (something I'm sure a lot of women reading this will relate to).

  • I could get some work done first thing, then go out afterwards when I need a break.

  • I could just cancel the run altogether.

Although I felt like it, quitting was not an option.

I knew that to get myself out of this funk that morning, I needed to exercise in some shape or form. So I compromised.

I went out for a shorter run (over half the length of what I’d planned). It was daylight by the time I left so that was the darkness issue sorted, I had no pressure to run for any longer than I wanted to, and I’m back home in half an hour…feeling so much better.

I wanted to share this so that you know I’m not perfect. I’m not always motivated and sometimes I just want to quit.

But I KNOW movement makes me feel better. And I know that I wouldn’t necessarily feel any more motivated if I left it until later, so I got myself out of the door and I’m so glad I did.

Not every workout needs to be your best. But if exercise is part of your life and you know you’ll feel the benefit from doing it, it gets so much easier on days like that day.

I hope this helps if you have similar mornings or lack of motivation to exercise. Forget about what you think you should do, and just try to do something for you, to make you feel better.

"Making sure your bucket is full is just as important as helping other people fill up theirs"